Course Development Projects

Posted on: 5 July


The following is the recommended planting pallet for our Course as we move forward with our Course Projects

The following is the recommended tree plantings for our Course as we move forward with our Course Projects.


14th Tee

13th Tee

9th Tee

Adjustments of the course ratings will happen accordingly and reflect on the score cards and app.
Further works are scheduled for May. The 4th and 5th tee & path designs are in progress.

Click to view General Manager’s Update on the Transformation Program 27 April 2023

Hole 4 Tee Plan

13th Tee and surrounding path excavations

Click to View Update from our Director of Ground 30 March

Click to view President’s Update Transformation Program 24 February 2023

The 3rd Hole tee extension now back into play
2nd Hole Green has been seeded with new grass growing.
The fairway and remodelled Bunkers, surrounds starting to settle well.

2nd hole due to open end of September beginning of October

A Touch of new Grass on the reseeded 2nd Green
Spray on greens turf for the 2nd Green
The green is starting to shoot  we are looking forward to a strong growth over the next couple of months
New Path on the second tee preparations

Extensive new turf has been laid on the new 3rd Tee area, 2nd Hole Green Surrounds and the re shaped Fairway and Fairway bunker surrounds
A Little Rain and Irrigation plus the Warmer weather will encourage the new turf to settle nicely.
The New Green on the 2nd Hole will be seeded on the 21/03/2023
The New Path at the 2nd Tee will be laid week beginning the 27//3/2023

New Turf to 3rd tee extension

2nd Hole – New Turf to reshaped Green surrounds & reshaped front Fairway Bunker

2nd Hole – New Turf to Reshaped Fairway Bunker & Fairway edges

Click to view – from Super of Grounds 1st of March

Click to view President’s Update Transformation Program 24 February 2023

New Exposed Aggregate paths between the new 2nd hole exit and the 3rd Hole tee plus the 2nd Hole Tee are now complete. 
Thank you Contractors Aaron Burridge (Club Member) & Mark from A&M Concreting who have done a great job with the new paths.

The Extension of the 3rd Tee Block and the reshaping will be back filled and returfed an ready for play by early April .

The New Turf on the 2nd hole will be laid starting from the green backdown the fairway from 9th of March 
Seeding of the 2nd Green is scheduled for the 21st of March
The new reshaped 2nd green has been fumigated and has a settling period before seeding can occur

The Soggy patch on the 2nd fairway before the left fairway bunker has been excavated to remove the underlying clay and filled with appropriate soil this will also be topped with new turf.

Reshaping Fairway Bunkers 2nd Hole

Click to View the the latest update from our Course Superintendent, Stuart Gillespie

What a difference a week makes ?
Things are really taking shape now, you can see the the levels changing  throughout the re-development.
We are working with MiClub to fine tune the app and Stu has physical distance markers in place on the temporary holes in the interim.

Keep up the good work everyone!!

Day 1 – Getting it started !!

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